It is a autobiography of Harriet Hanson Robinson who was the wife of a newspaper editor, who worked in the factory from the age of 10 to 24 in the textile Mills of Lowell in Massachusetts.
She is basically talking about her early ages which she spend working in the factories during 1832-1848 explaining the general living conditions of the woman at that time from her point of view. The working conditions were difficult. They had to work very long hours. They were treated like slaves without respect. The little money they were earning couldn't be spent by them but rather spent for the education of the male member of the family. Unfortunately girls had very limited education opportunities (only seven vocations school were in New England). They had no legal rights either. The law did not recognize woman as a money spender. A father could exclude his daughter from his will. There were other jobs available for woman such as being a servant, tailor or teacher however the money earned was comparably less. Therefore a lot of people from distant places came to Lowell to work ın the millsthey were working long hours at the mill despite their young age. Even by law working hours decreased to 10, in practice it was not applied.
The mill owners decided to cut the rages and the girls decided to go on a strike. In 1836 one of the girls made a speech in public stating to resist wage cut. This was the firs time a woman made a speech to the public. However the strike was not successful as they went back to work with reduced wages. This was an early attempt and many other strikes followed.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
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1) When was the first time that women publicly expressed disagreement with the salary?
2) What working conditions had women before?
Yi Lin - why didnt the law ( the one which deals with less working hours) apply to the mill?
Bubble, overall you did a fine job. I could hear your voice in the writing and you did a good job summarizing the key points to the article. Next time, please copy and paste your work into a word document and do some editing etc. Other than a few grammatical mistakes you did a fine job. 8/10
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