Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Grade update

Thus far, I have read and graded Sang Hag,  Ajnai, Elle, Daniel, and Ido, please refer to my postings.  The rest of your posts will be graded by tomorrow night.  Thus far, I have noticed many of you have struggled with the concepts of a summary and what that all includes and the fragile line between summarizing versus plagiarism (idea along with actual).  We will be working on this skill, as plagiarism is unacceptable and you must learn to be able to articulate your ideas in your OWN words.  For those of you who this pertains to, please take the opportunity to rewrite your article for full credit.  If you have any questions, please see me. 

 For those of you whom I have not yet graded, if my above words apply to you in any way, I would encourage you to fix the problem before tomorrow.

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