Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hyun Jin - Women miners in the English Coal Pits

In the colliers, girls and boys didn't have andy different clothes to put on and nobody really cared on what they wore or even how much they covered. J. C. Symons, the sub-commissioner who visited the Hunshelf Colliery, talks about how young girls worked in the same places as boys and being stark naked down to the waist and many of the girls working there were in the age of puberty and the only way of recognizing their gender was by their breasts. Most of the men there were also stark naked or had a flannel waistcoast to cover themselves. The girl's clothes, which was mainly just a trousers, had holes in them and Symons says that it's as bad as a brothel because of the indecency and the lack of covering. The girls had to go 15-20times a day into a dark chamber where men who's either stark naked or has only a flannel waistcoast to cover themselves are which indicates that there could be several sexual relationships that is wrong morally.
Two examples of female miners would be Betty Harris and Patience Kershaw. Betty entered the collier when she got married. She neither reads nor writes. She works from 6am to 6 pm and gets an hour to eat her dinner at noon. She wears a belt around her waist and her work is always wet so she is always soaked all day long. Her cousin looks after her two children and her husband sometimes beat her because she wasn't ready. Patience Kershaw at the age of 17, goes to eh pit at 5 am until 5 pm.


river hist said...


i) How long was 15-20times a day in hours?

ii) how much they get from the work?

river hist said...

YL - What would happen if they get to work late?

river hist said...

1) it doesn't say how long 15-20 times a day is in hours but i should guess that it takes like.... the whole day.....

2) Around 7 shillings but not all the time.

river hist said...
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river hist said...

if they got to work late, they would be beaten and their pay would be made less

Unknown said...

J.C Symons, the sub-commissioner who visited the Hunshelf Collier talks about the indecency in the mine. Many of the young girls working there were in the age of their puberty but were made to work in the same places as boys and men, both gender wearing practically nothing - just a trouser with holes in them or a flannel waist coast. The only way to recognize the differnece was by the breasts because all of them were dirty and their faces were covered in dirt. There were many times when both genders were working together in a dark chamber and it could be assumed that there were many morally wrong sexual relationships. Betty Harris and Patience Kershaw both worked in the collier. Betty works from 6am to 6pm and because of the work she does, her clothes are wet all day and her husband sometimes beat her because she wasn't ready fast enough.

Unknown said...

by hj

river hist said...

Hyun Jin, I appreciate the fact that your article was written in your words, however, you need to be a bit more mindful of grammatical mistakes etc. Also, you relayed the information that was in the article, however, you needed to explain why the author wrote the article, along with the other issues, that would have been addressed from the questions you had to answer. Next time, try to write your article purely based upon your answers to the questions. But overall, good job. 8/10